What if I'm not hungry or I've missed a meal?

I missed a meal, what should I do? 
The times provided are merely suggestions. It’s no problem to deviate by +/- 30 minutes to accommodate your schedule. To maximize energy, fullness and muscle building, do your best to eat as close to the suggested times as you can.

Tip for app users: If you cannot eat at certain times, feel free to use the "Busy" blocks when building your lifestyle. 

If you missed a certain meal, depending on when in the day this occurs, proceed as follows:

  • 1 Meal Left: If you missed meal #5 of a 6 meal plan, and it’s getting late, you can combine the last 2 meals into one.
  • 2 - 3 Meals Left: You should have ample time left to condense your timing to every 2 – 3 hours. If necessary, you can condense the last 2 meals into 1.
  • 4+ Meals Left: Eat as soon as able. You should have ample time left to condense your timing to every 2 – 3 hours.

What if I'm not hungry? 

First, consider waiting an additional hour and reassessing your hunger. Once you surpass 5 hours since your last meal, it’s time to consider eating soon. If weight loss is your goal, enjoy this feeling, as it’s unlikely to last long as you move through your fat loss diet and more food is removed from your plan. Consider having a shake or smoothie as part of the meal.

For weight gain, consider a smoothie or calorie dense foods such as oats, rice, cheese, eggs, and dried fruit. This will allow you to eat less filling food, yet still take in the calories you need to meet your goal. Also for those on the muscle gain diet, eat TASTY foods and make your foods tasty with creative cooking and seasoning, which will help “spice up” your weight gain. The Renaissance eCookbook Bundle is your friend, offering many great tips for great tasting, healthy food.

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