I signed up though Stripe, why can't I access my subscription?

There are many cases that may cause the app to not find your subscription. In this article we will look at the most common subscription issues and solutions. 

1. Please make sure you are logging in with the same email address/log in method as the one you used to create your account. If you have used the apple log in method, please make sure you are using the same method. 
2. Please make sure that you do indeed have a subscription. In order to do so navigate to rp.app/manage 

3. Click "Already have an account, and sign in:




4. Click on Screen_Shot_2021-06-16_at_10.40.33_AM.png in the top left corner and select




5. Make sure that you have an active subscription. 


If you have an active subscription, and you are logging in with the correct email address, please contact us and our agents will assist you. 

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