Support Agent
Google Play current version 1.21.16
New in 1.21.16 • Meals can now be saved over macros. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility. • Adds ability to lock food amounts. Rebalance will preserve existing amounts. Locks are ...
iTunes current version 1.21.16
New in 1.21.16 • Meals can now be saved over macros. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility. • Adds ability to lock food amounts. Rebalance will preserve existing amounts. Locks are ...
I recently switched platforms, how do I access my subscription?
Because subscriptions are sold and managed by the app stores Google Play for Android and iTunes fo Apple. Subscriptions don't automatically carry over when a user transitions to a new device. In ca...
I have a Google Play subscription, why can't I access it?
There are a several reasons why your device cannot find your account. For example: 1. Is the device logged into the same Google Play account as the one which the subscription was purchased under? 2...
I have an iTunes subscription, why can't I access it?
There are a several reasons why your device cannot find your account. For example: 1. Is the device logged into the same iTunes account as the one which the subscription was purchased under? 2. Hav...
Announcements from the RP team!
Our team has recently released RP Diet Coach app version 1.21In this version, we have improved the process of building meals, and made visual improvements to numerous screens in the app. We are als...
I am subscribed, but the app is telling me that I'm not
There are many cases that may cause the app to not find your subscription. In this article we will look at the most common subscription issues and solutions. Getting stuck on a subscription screen ...
Why are there meals scheduled during my sleep hours?
In some cases, users may see meals scheduled during the hours they should be sleeping. In these cases, you will want to make sure that your sleep is appropriately set for each day this is occurring...
I logged into my account, and all of my diet information is completely gone!
We have had reports that diets are completely gone after a user logs out and logs back into the app. We have found that in all of such cases, users have multiple app accounts, therefore when they l...
My app is crashing or not loading when I try to open it
Many factors may contribute to the app crashing, freezing, or long load times. The following steps are recommended before contacting support. (In fact, they are the first steps support will give yo...